利用GTOs(Gaussian Type Orbitals)来模拟STOs(SlaterType Orbitals),根据使用GTOs的数量不同,产生了STO-3G,STO-6G。 Minimal Basis Sets A basis set that describes only the most basic aspects of the orbitalsExtended Basis SetsA basis set that describes the orbitals in great detail CGTF 基组 by Dunnings Dunning and co-workers ha……Read More
cvat with segment anything 半自动标注
cou版的正常运行,gpu显存5G不够,运行就提示显存不够,换了pth-facebookresearch-sam-vit-l模型显存也不够。 附:更换不同尺度模型方法 https://github.com/opencv/cvat/issues/6189 Yes, it was probably because you changed the model name.I can no longer deploy different fine-tuned SAM models at the same time.Yes, deploying several SAM models at the same……Read More
git 设置临时代理
git clone https://github.com/xtekky/gpt4free.git -c “https.proxy=”
Introduction to Lattice Boltzmann Method
The Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique used to simulate fluid flow at a mesoscopic level. It is based on the kinetic theory of gases and solves the Boltzmann equation, which describes the behavior of particles in a fluid. In LBM, the fluid domain is divi……Read More
2023.7.5 买的松香和焊锡丝到了,迫不及待取回来打算焊接下压力传感器调理芯片的电路板,结果发现烙铁头沾不上焊锡是烙铁头氧化的缘故,今晚再买个烙铁头,明天悄悄去实验室拿点砂纸打磨下试试吧 kk40的滑台配置步进电机的驱动器还需要写个控制程序,把手头的Ardiuno mega2560板子拿出来试下吧,3D打印机的计划要等把marlin固件的代码大致了解下再实现了 2024.5.22 转眼一年要过去了,装置在运动控制,压力采集,图像识别方面做出了很多改进。运动采集部分通过移植GRBL至当前装置,实现了串口通讯控制滑台位移,压力采集也解决了多线程图像显示及停止功能设计。 此处粘贴一个遇到的问题,……Read More
Mechanistic Insights into the Reactive Uptake of Chlorine Nitrate at the Air–Water Interfacehttps://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.2c09837 New Mechanistic Pathways for Criegee–Water Chemistry at the Air/Water Interfacehttps://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.6b04338 How to calculate vibrational spectra from AIMD with CP2……Read More
分别在 lj/cut/coul/cut 10.0 与 lj/cut/coul/long 条件下,对SPC/E水分子盒子在npt条件下进行模拟: